Saturday, February 11, 2012

Without harming how do i keep cats out of my garden and leaving there dirt in my flower beds?

trust me, peppers / citrus peel etc nothing works. even CAT OFF doesnt work - it only lasts till the next time it rains

our neighbours 3 cats thought my garden was their poo poo place and i was fed up of the cleaning up i had to do. problem is that even if you pick up the... poo, the smell will still be there and then they will do it again...

you need to get 'Cat Repeller' from B%26amp;Q. it costs around ��30 but it is well worth it. the device can just be pushed into the soil and it creates an ultrasonic sound that is harmless to humans and animals - but cats can hear very low frequencies so they find the noise very annoying.

also dont forget you need to clean everything up and spray some jeyes fluid in the areas they have done their business. it will get rid of the smell. however i am not 100% sure you can use jeyes liquid in soil ? check the label !

this repellant thing really works.... good luck !!

Without harming how do i keep cats out of my garden and leaving there dirt in my flower beds?
put the hose on them whenever you see one.

I had a cat staking out my guinea pigs, but after i squirted him i never saw him again.
Reply:Get clear empty plastic drinks bottles (like coke etc) remove the labels and fill them with water. Leave them under your plants etc (smaller ones are easier to hide) and this should stop them.

Its something to do with the reflection of the water as seen through their eyes, it scares them I think.
Reply:Have you tried used coffee grounds? The cats don't like the bitter taste on their paws and I've found it works extremely well. It also seems to dissuade slugs and snails!
Reply:mothballs will do it and won't harm them ..
Reply:High-power water pistol seems to do the trick. Once moggy has had to dry and sort out his fur once or twice he'll get the message.
Reply:Poor Puss is only fertilising your garden. Get him some fish.
Reply:curry powder, chili powder, random cocktail sticks. Tins of lion dung can now be purchased from some gardening mags.
Reply:look up search on the net for cat scarer it is a mall box battery or mains operated place in the offending area the cats stopped coming in my garden and now use all the neighbours got mine of eBay OH yes its harmless to them as well. it emits a sonic sound they don't like, works for about 20 feet.
Reply:Pepper isnt good as it can get in their eyes %26amp; burn, yes it will keep them away. Many things out there , in my opinion toss citrus peels(cut small) works best. They dont like the smell %26amp; doesnt harm them. So, save the peels to oranges, lemons etc. If you dont mind "merigolds" add some to the border, they have a aweful scent, animals dont like them either.
Reply:Slice an orange into thin strips.. place around the edges of the garden and you are unlikely to have any more problems.. It wont hurt the cat, the kids and any other anilmal you may have.

Be aware that this might attract bees and wasps, they do tend to go for sweet stuff like oranges.
Reply:i have had a real problem with cats going to the toilet in my garden, digging up the baby plants, making a smell etc. i have tried all sorts even buying the repeller spray from the shops nothing worked. then finally i seem to have happened upon a way that stops them! i put a few sprigs of holly over the soil wherever they go and it really seems to have stopped them - i think the holly stops them digging up the soil without pricking their paws. They might change the place where they go a couple times but if you just put holly there too the soon get the message. It might sound cruel but it doesnt really do them any harm
Reply:cut lengths of hose to about 12 inches and stake them with bamboo through the middle. use any shiny paint ~~(or nail polish) to put eyes on top of the hose. the cats see these as predators and stay away. thats the theory anyway.
Reply:paintball gun or hose
Reply:Hi, try slices of citrus fruits, cats seem to dislike the smell, also if you have twigs, lay them criss-cross on the soil.

Once your flowerbeds are full of flowers it should stop the problem, cats seem to like plenty of space! =^..^=

I know cats can be a problem in the garden, but its really nice to know you want a resolution without harming them! :)
Reply:The pepper thing is effective. Alternatively fill large empty plastic bottles filled with water. Leave it laying around in your garden, the sun's rays will confuse the cat when it shines on the bottles. The cat would feel disorientated and would leave because it \would think the dazzling bottle is invading its privacy. {only works in daylight}
Reply:sprinkle black paper or cayenne pepper in your garden, kitty wont like the scent.

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