Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I have a real problem with cats using my flower beds as their litter tray. Any deterrent suggestions?

My Uncle Bernard recommends you throw one of his boots at them.

I have a real problem with cats using my flower beds as their litter tray. Any deterrent suggestions?
yes! a jack russel works a treat!
Reply:Orange peel or soap shavings
Reply:Pokey sticks /brush sticking up around the plants-connected with cotton threads.

Lion droppings

Pepper/Paprika (on dry soil)

Completely remove their droppings and sanitise the area_if it still smells they'll go there again.

TO BUY: Sonic deterrents. Gel detterents. Ranitidine (caution, caustic) Cut out larger cats with glow eyes.

Most effective : Cat owners should provide their cats with clean litter to use every day, they only go elsewhere when they've got nowhere easy , clean and convenient to go.!!

M : )

Sympathy to you : one's just left one on our lawn this week-Yuck !
Reply:i put chille%26amp;curry powder around the base of the plants, it seems to work. good luck.
Reply:my daughter say,s her nan uses old cd,s stuck in the soil leaning up!
Reply:Spread garlic cloves around the flower beds. Cats hate its smell.
Reply:sponges soaked in acitone (nail polish remover) should keep the cats away.
Reply:You can buy a deterrent spray at the garden centre. That transfers the problem to next door.
Reply:Watering the flower bed with your own urine. Disgusting, I know, but the smell will put them off. Also putting crunchy things on them, they don't like to walk on crunchy things like egg shells, it won't hurt them but it feels unomfortable in their paws.
Reply:they are doing no harm , it all breaks down into the soil as fertiliser , and they keep mice etc away , if you want them to stay away fill clear plastic bottles 3/4 full with water and put them on their side in the flowers that keeps them out
Reply:A few things I use. Cayanne pepper, the cheap stuff from the Dollar store. Plastic forks, stuck in the garden area, prongs upward. Pine cones. Cats do not like to be uncomfortable while doing their "business" and the pine cones and forks are great for this.
Reply:lion poo keeps them away
Reply:Try putting wire mesh over the dirt. Cats don't like walking on it. If your plants are suffering, use water and peat moss to dilute the salts left behind. You may also want to plant a catnip garden away from your flower beds so you can control where the cats do their business.
Reply:use this recipe and see if it works for you:

1 gallon water

1/4 cup hot pepper, such as cayanne

1/4 cup dish soap [ buy the real cheap stuff]

1 cup ammonia

mix well, allow to sit for 24 hrs and spray around flower beds.
Reply:try anti personnel mines. Gets rid of cats and cuts down on weeding at the same time.
Reply:Orange peel and used teabags saturated in Olbas Oil and dotted around your garden. It works. You just have to keep refreshing the oil after it rains. After a few months they will automatically avoid your garden cos it will smell so noxious to them!
Reply:Moth balls work a treat, bury them just underneath the soil.
Reply:put some oranges down on the flower beds. they hate citrus.

or some cd's (old) on some string and they will flutter in the breeze and scare them away.

buy a dog,
Reply:my dad used to use a air rifle but try some sharp branches
Reply:A pellet gun!
Reply:Hot curry powder - works a treat and doesn't do any harm to either cats or your plants
Reply:Place small canes around the plants to reduce the space.
Reply:Spary the cats with a solution of water and vinegar - it causes no harm but the cats don't like vinegar,so will avoid you
Reply:Lion Dung

Lion Dung has been reported to be an effective method of deterring cats, and has received support from the British organisation Cats Protection. One anecdotal experience reported by the BBC [1] found that it was not terribly effective however.

Citrus deterrents

Cats dislike the smell of citrus, and citrus-based products are used by some as a deterrent. One example is the plant "Garden Rue" or "Herb of Grace" (ruta graveolens). Most cats do not like the smell of this plant and often this can be a solution to get rid of cats

Ultrasonic device

Ultrasonic devices (inaudible to humans) are a popular method of deterring cats. The RSPB, on the basis of a trial involving 150 volunteers, has endorsed a commercial product called "CatWATCH" RSPB research on electronic cat deterrents
Reply:First remove the 'evidence' and wash it down well with slightly soapy water.

Then create some physical barriers to make it harder for them to squat there. Put some more plants in so there is less bare soil, and in the worst areas, try something a bit prickly like holly. Use cut stems if you don't want it growing there.

Cats tend to like loose soil or bark etc, so you could try moving some more clay-y soil to that spot, use a heavier surface dressing, or even put a slab down (at least temporarily) if you have no plants there.

I also found the repellent from the garden centre that you spray on the ground quite effective, but it doesn't last very long.
Reply:There is a product called lion roar. Its basically pellets covered in lion urine. Just scatter them around your garden and it will deter the cats. You can get it at some garden centres but if you have no luck there,they sell it on ebay. Good luck.
Reply:yeh you can buy these sonic sounds thing were its so high pitched that we cant hear it and it scares the cats of of your flower bed

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