Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do i keep cats from using my flower beds as a litter box?

i already removed bushes from the front where several cats were seen to hang out. I heard moth balls work but to no avail for me

How do i keep cats from using my flower beds as a litter box?
Pepper...sprinkle pepper on the ground as cats sniff before they do their thing. It will make them sneeze but is not harmful to their health
Reply:Or you can purchase a roll of concrete reinforcing wire and lay it across the entry points to your planting area. Spray it with Re-pel, anise oil or Eucalyptus oil. Cats find stepping between the openings an annoyance and that coupled with the smell will drive them away. You can place pieces of cardboard with Tanglefoot applied. Cats step in it once and leave quickly! Get a scarecrow impact sprinkler that is motion controlled. It comes on loudly, runs for about 10 seconds in an arc and scares the cats away. These are the best suggestions I have.

You might try planting a cat litter box of catnip (a member of the mint family) to attract him to a particular spot. In the beds you don't want him in, plant herbs such as lavender, rue, geranium, absinthe or lemon thyme. A German gardener has come up with a plant, coleus canin, which he has found keeps cats at bay. It can be ordered from various garden catalog services in Germany or perhaps your local garden center can obtain it for you. He has also come up with a mixture that is easily made and will keep away just about anything on four paws. It��s two parts cayenne pepper, three parts dry mustard and five parts flour. Mix together and sprinkle on areas where you don��t want cats. Cats don��t care much for tea leaves, so save the tea bags and sprinkle the leaves over the beds you want to keep him out of. You can try laying large, flat river stones around the digging areas of your bed. Cats love freshly prepared soil (and fresh laundry too!), so putting the stones around would keep kitty from doing as much digging.

Finally, you may want to consider installing a sprinkler system that is activated by movement. One or two douses will cure the cat quickly and will also deter prowlers! I know it works because as a little kid I remember we had a cat that liked to use the bathtub. My Mother would dutifully clean up the mess each time and say nothing. Dad found out so the next time the cat was in the tub, the shower kicked on for a few seconds. The cat never used the tub again! Give these ideas a try and let me know which one works or if they all do. Good luck.
Reply:Try placing moth balls in your flower beds. That has worked for me.

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