Monday, February 13, 2012

Neighbors cats using my flower beds for kitty litter pan! Help!?

I just spent $200 putting in flower beds and plants and now my neighbors cats are peeing on my flowers killing them and burrying their poo in the flower beds! What can I do to stop them without killing my flowers? They come out in the middle of the night and I can't catch them.

Neighbors cats using my flower beds for kitty litter pan! Help!?
Well I know they hate tape on their feet. For awhile(till they find a new litter box, stretch duct tape upside down across your flower beds especially where they use it most or where they enter it. Secure it with some kind of stake to hold it in place. That or place some doggie doo in there for awhile to scare them off.
Reply:try citrus rind....oranges.lemons,limes,grapefruit.... hurt the soil and cats don't like them!
Reply:Not sure where you live, if there are water restrictions in place, but maybe you should put the hose on them, when you catch them in the daytime. I love cats, but having to put up with the neighbors cats peeing and shitting everywhere is a bit much!! Specially when the owner doesn't give a rat's. You could scoop it up and throw it over into their yard. I've done that myself and I reckon the message sinks in. In Australia, cats are deemed furile creatures and not at all appreciated let out at night to do any sort of damage.
Reply:Try moth crystals. It works with dogs.

This is a serious problem; I used pinecones to keep the cats out. Can't stand the smell. My friend uses hot ground peppers. Pine cones work the cats don't like the prickley pinecones. Check out for some other tips and tricks,

Best wishes,

Secily W.
Reply:Use anything prickly, such as cedar limbs.

One can also buy spikes for this purpose.

My neighbor gets live traps from the animal controll folks and after the cats are trapped, she calls them to come pick them up.
Reply:try throwing out some mothballs
Reply:Oh yes, those cats sure do appreciate your new flower beds and plants. I just hate that people think it's okay to let their cats outside to poop wherever they want!

I tried everything from cayanne pepper to moth balls to motion sensor flood lights and the little rat bastards kept pooping in my flowerbeds, too.

I also scooped up the poop and took it to the cats owners. They acted like I was nuts, so I started letting my dogs poop on their lawn. Funny, they didn't like that at all!

I'm with the other Y!Answerer that said to get traps from animal control. The OWNER of the cat is the one that needs to alter their behavior, the cats don't learn lessons easily. Once they have to pay to get thier pet back they might think twice before letting them out to roam.

And the cats can get hit by a car, or get into fights with other cats and get hurt, so I see no reason why anyone would want their pet to roam. It's irresponsible.
Reply:Use pepper to stop the cats from going near your garden. Just sprinkle around your flower beds and if you can see where they are coming from next door, put a double dose there.

I hope this helps.

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