Monday, February 13, 2012

How do you keep stray cats from coming in our yard and using my flower beds as a litter box.?

try moth balls that's what my mom used and it seems to be working

How do you keep stray cats from coming in our yard and using my flower beds as a litter box.?
DON'T PUT ANTIFREEZE HOTDOGS IN YOUR GARDEN! THE CATS WILL EAT IT AND DIE!!! so don't do it cause if you do then your an evil monster.
Reply:spray the hell out of them with water when they are in the flower bed. sooner than later they will learn.
Reply:you can get a can of boundry simply spray It around your plants and or things you dont want the cats to be near..the smells drives them wont hurt your flowers/plants
Reply:I use moth balls.It works well.
Reply:Simple: adopt them. Then they aren't "stray" any more.

Or, you could get a dog, but dog poo is worse than cat, IMHO, and dogs don't bury their scat.

On the other hand, you could try worrying about things that actually matter.
Reply:i put pepper dust on my flower beds, also everytime you get orange peel throw it on your garden, they'll stop coming...
Reply:hot dogs soaked in antifreeze it will keep them away for sure. I don't know what it is about it but they leave and never come back around.
Reply:Peel some oranges and just scatter the peels in your flower bed, makes the bed smell nice and cats hate the smell of citrus. Yes it works.. and its good mulch too.
Reply:Look in pet stores, there's a variety of different sprays to keep cats away. There should be some that are for furniture as well as plants - completely organic, so it won't hurt your flowers.
Reply:dogs, big one i happen to be selling 2 bull mastiff puppies
Reply:believe it or not moth balls work alright, but there are some replants that either a pet store will carry or a home and garden center will have... and when all else fails a garden hose with a high pressure nozzle is the best, and funniest =P

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