Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do I scare the neighbors cat away froom messing in my flower beds?

I only want to scare the cat so it stops coming into my yard.... how can I do that without hurting it?

How do I scare the neighbors cat away froom messing in my flower beds?
There are 2 ways. First, mothballs around the flower bed are helpful. Cats hate the smell. Remove all cat feces and urine traces first (cats like to go back to where they went the first time). The second way is lemon water in a super soaker. Cats hate water; cats hate citrus. Lemon water is the worst for them. Spray the offending feline and he/she won't return.
Reply:Chili powder and red pepper flakes work wonders for me! You might have to reapply for a few days, but they hate either the smell or getting it on their feet, but once they get the idea you won't have any more problems with them. ( It doesn't hurt them either.) It's also a good idea to have a good squirt gun handy!
Reply:Keep a super soaker handy! We had one that kept sneaking into our house and after a while it learned to stay away.

Walmart sells plants that are suppose to repel cats %26amp; dogs from your garden, I dont know what they are called or if they work but its worth a try.

You can sprinkle chili powder around, if they kick it up they may learn to avoid it.

Get a dog to patrol (borrow one from someone for a weekend if you dont want one as a pet).
Reply:set up traps that will snap and then later on you can replace them or else you can set the sprinklers to set off every 10 minutes or so or else get a rat terrier.
Reply:spray with with the garden hose... or scream at it...
Reply:Set up a timed sprinkler and watch for kitty, then set sprinklers for when he is in your garden. It won't hurt him- just piss him off.
Reply:Put orange peels around your garden. Cats hate the smell of citrus fruit.
Reply:buy a snake
Reply:I would say to leave the sprinklers on as much as possible...and also have them turn on at various times. Cats hate water, and it is harmless enough, that you may just scare him from coming into your yard.
Reply:There's this really great actual recipe from I don't remeber where, and it worked really well for my neighbor's two pesky cats.

You mix a half and half ratio of vinegar and water, then add a bunch of fresh chopped garlic or powdered garlic, and then finally, you add a heaping measure of chili paste or else chili sauce-the hotter the better! Once you have mixed up this concoction which is sure to clear your sinuses, pour liberally around your flower beds. It smells for a little while (a couple of hours)but then you won't notice anything anymore except for no cats! A hint: if you get heavy rainfall, you need to put down more, and you should reapply after a few weeks for maximum effects. You may need to do it few times before your feline "friends" get the hint. Hope this helps!
Reply:lots of pepper
Reply:I can answer this. I had the same issue. First, respectfully - tell your neighbor about the issue. Ask them if they can keep kitty inside. My neighbor said he would but, he started letting kitty out again.

Here's what I suggest at that point. Buy a cat trap - this does not hurt the cat it only traps them.

you'll also want to buy a childs play pool. the little plastic kind they sell during the summer.

Place the cat cage in the center of the play pool. then fill the play pool up about midway. This will really get the cats attention. The cat will be wet from the mid-section down. Let the cat stay in the cage pool for about 3 hours. At this point the cat will be miserable. Cats try to dry themselves by licking their fur and by this point he will have tried this thus drinking a lot of water in the process.

most people say to stop at this point and let the cat out.

I disagree - This is where you should come back for round 2. Come outside dressed in military garb. Demand that the cat never step in your yard again. I would do this in a thick german accent. Then fill the pool up some more - leaving the cats nose and mouth just above the waterline. Wait another 3 hours. Here I would bring out a portable television - play the tyra banks show or doctor phil. After the shows end ask the cat what he has learned from this. After he replies - call him a liar and threaten that you are going to drop the television in the pool. I normally unplug the tv (without the cat seeing me) then drop the tv in the pool. The cat gets really scared at this point. Tell them next time it will be plugged in.

Now change outfits. Come out wearing a nice suit and tell the cat you are sorry he had to be put through this. Tell him you are letting him go home to his family. drain the pool and remove him from the cage. Offer the cat a nice warm shower and shave. Dry the cat off. Walked the cat towards the front door then stop short and demand he tell you what was inside the briefcase in Pulp Fiction and where the Chuck Cunningham is?

Before he can answer - return him to the cage and re-submerge it in the water at nose level. Tell him he's only just seen the tip of Hell. After 12 more hours of water treatment - remove him from the cage and blindfold him - put him in a panelvan and drive by his house - open the panel door and throw him out the side going at least 45 MPH without stopping. Make sure to leave a note in his pocket that he has been warned.
Reply:put some of his dun is the garden.
Reply:If you put moth balls in your flower garden, it should repel the cats from going in there. Marigolds also repel cats and dogs from doing their business there.
Reply:Well you have a cat pproplem the you should get some water the the cat will be to scared to get in your yard cuz of the water then soon the cat will just stop trying.
Reply:Buy a dog.
Reply:Put up a scarecrow holding a broom
Reply:I shake red pepper all around the flower bed.I guess it doesn't smell very good,and it's cheap.I've used this for several years,and it does work.
Reply:Plant zinnias. Cats hate the way they smell.

Also, be sure to get rid of all wild catnip that might be growing around the area, and wash away any urine that might be left from his/her past visits.

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