Monday, February 13, 2012

How can I keep my cats from pooping in my flower beds ?

you can purchase a roll of concrete reinforcing wire and lay it across the entry points to your planting area. Spray it with Re-pel, anise oil or Eucalyptus oil. Cats find stepping between the openings an annoyance and that coupled with the smell will drive them away. You can place pieces of cardboard with Tanglefoot applied. Cats step in it once and leave quickly! Get a scarecrow impact sprinkler that is motion controlled. It comes on loudly, runs for about 10 seconds in an arc and scares the cats away.

Here is a site with several suggestions%26gt;

Here are more tips (please ignore the one about mothballs)

How can I keep my cats from pooping in my flower beds ?
Chili powder its burns their bums and they don't go there again...
Reply:You could shoot them, but then your neighbors pets would poop there instead! Americans spend billions on pet foods, vet bills and all the treats and the rest of it. Some people care more for their pets and care than their own children. Did you know if you took 1/2 of what is spent on the care of pets that money would feed and clothe the needy of the world? In some locations you can hit your child and get less jail time than if you did the same to someones pet? I like pets too and this is not an outcry, but I see this so often in places I go. Did you know if the major pet food companies used 1/2 of their advertising budgets, which are tax deductible, and donated it, that Feed the Children would not have to solicit funds from individuals? I guess it depends where your priorities are, pets give some comfort, are warm and fuzzy and some do tricks, but when you buy your weeks supply of gourmet pet foods, think of those starving children with no hope of a handout, much less a hand up. If you give wherever that is a start, but you are one in a million, peace..
Reply:Try putting some red pepper in your flower beds.
Reply:Shoot them, the kitty won't be pooping anymore.
Reply:Try putting some white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it around your garden and anywhere around your house. It also works on places like porches where they spray to mark their territory.
Reply:They make a spray that you can buy in most pet shops, and department stores. That you can spray on your flower beds. It keeps the cats from getting into your flower beds, or any other place you don't want them to try and use as a litter box. The scent of it rep ells cats from the area. But does not smell bad to most people. And is non toxic.
Reply:Get lemon, orange or lime cleaning spray then spray it on your flowers although I'm not sure if your plants will react to this!
Reply:I have not tried this but see it all the time and thats filling empty plastic milk jugs with water and placing them in the flower beds .. for some reason people swear by it ....
Reply:Why do you want to do that? Cat poop is an excellent manure for your flowers. Maybe your cats are different but mine stay away from the flowers and just do the soil around theplants. Maybe yours are demon cats and just don't have the common sense to leave the plants alone. razor wire won't do anything to a cat. It'll get through in an instant in which case you'll need to get a spray like the others were talking about that'll repel them. I think that's mean though... they need freedom.

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